« change picture » 1/31 Beatenberg Photo report by Fritz Bieri and Heinz Rieder. The spectacular Region of Beatenberg presented by a series of stunning photographic impressions will transport you to this mountain village and its surrounds in the Berner Oberland. Enjoy the journey.
Concept and pictures by Fritz Bieri and Heinz Rieder |
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Themes (Content / Sitemap) (start / index)
» The village / the Church
- Tourist - Center Beatenberg
e-mail: info@beatenberg.ch
telephone: +41 (0)33 841 18 18
fax: +41 (0)33 841 18 08
- Village plan, maps
- Map Bernese Oberland
- Map Switzerland
- Map Europe
Overview of the different parts of the village:
1. District Beatenberg-Spirenwald
- District Beatenberg-Spirenwald: View from the hiking trail above the village
- Panorama: View from Chalet Sunnebode
- Village Impression: old chalets with window boxes
- Panorama: Beatenberg-Spirenwald from above
- The livestock fair at the Wydiparkplatz (with additional page)
- Autumn days ousting summer
2. Winter in Beatenberg
Winter impressions:
- Panoramic picture of Spirenwald
- Snow ploughing in Beatenberg
- Hoarfrost picture impressions
3.1 Protestant Church
- Area with a wonderful view
» Church bell
- Church and Rectory
- The Church and adjoining rooms
- The Church in winter
- History of the Beatenberg Church
3.2 Information about the organ
Organ pipes demonstrated by Therese Jordi:
» Choose from 3 audio samples
Memories of our late organist Hermann Schwander
A light and cheerful organ music interpretation:
» Start organ play
5. District Beatenberg-Schmocken 
- Bistro "old classroom" (schoolroom)
- Camping Wang / chalets (Swiss loghouses)
- Viewpoint: Pavilion a 5 minute walk to parking lot "Waldbrand" (wildfire).
- Dense fog (an interesting, natural phenomenon)
- Hotel Dorint
» Spring
Springtime in the mountains
- Village Beatenberg
- Niederhorn - Gemmenalphorn
» Summer
Summer impressions
- Landscapes / Photo-Panorama / Flowers / Animals
» Autumn
Play of colours / dense fog / draped in clouds ...
Alpine Ibexes (capricorns) / Bearded Vulture
» Winter
Picture: district Niederhorn - Beatenberg
» Hiking trails
- Spirenwald - Rischerlital and Beatusweg / Viewpoint "Bireflue"
- Riedboden and Trotti-Biken (Infos, Link)
Erich-von-Däniken trail / Camping Wang
- Region Niederhorn Ibexes and marmots
- Niederhorn - Gemmenalphorn and Seefeld
- Justistal - Sigriswilergrat
- Animals (The best animal-photos)
Ibexes, chamoises, marmots, cows, jackdaws, snow grouse,
black grouse, bearded vulture, black kite (milvus migrans),
squirrel, edible snail, dragonfly hatched, butterfly, moths,
bumblebee, fox, roe deer.
- Hiking in the snow (Spirenwald - Rischerlital)
- Hiking - to sled
(Niederhorn - Chüematte - Beatenberg-Waldegg)
» Photo-Panorama
Pictures: Beatenberg / Niederhorn (the immediate environs of ...)
( Panorama photos: zooming in / manual scrolling )
1. Photo report from the area
- Meeting animals (the best animal pictures of the homepage)
Ibexes, chamoises, marmots, cows, jackdaws, snow grouse,
black grouse, bearded vulture, black kite, squirrel, edible snail,
dragonfly hatched, butterfly, moths, bumblebee, fox, roe deer.
(Picture impression by Fritz Bieri, Heinz Rieder and Esther Rieder)
The reports are in German only, but do contain many photographs
1. Bildberichte aus der Umgebung 1. Photo report from the area
- Flugaufnahmen von Lukas Bieri
a) Beatenberg-Niederhorngebiet-Schilthorn-Jungfraumassiv
b) Weitere Fotos des Helikopterrundfluges / Kurzfilm: Pilotenausbildung
Pictures by Lukas Bieri (taken while flying)
a) Beatenberg - Niederhorn - Schilthorn, Jungfrau areas
b) Link to further photos of the helicopter sightseeing flight
short film: pilot training
- Eine Vollmondnacht im Winter am Niederhorn
(Bildimpressionen von Fritz Bieri)
A full moon night in winter on the Niederhorn
(Picture impressions by Fritz Bieri)
- Rehbesuch vor unserem Wohnzimmerfenster
(Bilder: Esther Rieder)
Visit by a roe deer at our living room window
(Picture impressions by Esther Rieder)
- Rückblick "Bilder des Monats"
Ehemalige "Bilder des Monats" Sommer 06 bis Januar 2008
(Bildimpressionen von Fritz Bieri und Heinz Rieder)
Retrospection "Picture of the month"
Former "picture of the month" summer 2006 until January 2008
(Picture impressions by Fritz Bieri and Heinz Rieder)
- Besuch bei der Bergbauernfamilie Hans Ueli und Andrea Aebersold
Die Themen:
- Frühling - Herbst - Winter / Link zur Herstellung von Alpkäse
- Das "Heuen" am Steilhang
- Wir besuchen Andreas Ziegen
- Viehschau und "Miss Beatenberg" 2007
- Besuch im Kuhstall: Das Melken der Kühe
- Bilder aus dem Familienalbum
- Ein Interview mit Hans Ueli und Andrea Aebersold
(Bildimpressionen und Interview von Heinz Rieder)
Visiting the mountain farming family Hans Ueli and Andrea Aebersold
- Spring - Autumn - Winter / Link to making of alp cheese
- Hay making on precipice
- We visit Andreas´ goats
- Cattle fair and "Miss Beatenberg" 2007
- Visiting the stable: Milking the cows
- Pictures from the family album
- An interview with Hans Ueli and Andrea Aebersold
(Picture impressions and interview by Heinz Rieder)
- Viehschau auf dem Wydiparkplatz
(Bildimpressionen von 2004-2007: Heinz Rieder)
Cattle fair at the Wydiparkplatz
(Picture impressions 2004 - 2007 by Heinz Rieder)
- Holzhäuser prägen das Dorfbild von Beatenberg
Eine kleine Bildsammlung von 2005-2007
(Bildimpressionen von Heinz Rieder)
Wooden chalets put their stamp on the village
A small picture collection from 2005 - 2007
(Picture impressions by Heinz Rieder)
- Erinnerungen an den Beatenberger Künstler Paul Schmidt
- Francine Marie David und ihre Kreationen
- Paul Schmidt und Francine Marie David - in Symbiose
(Zusammengestellt von Heinz Rieder)
Memories of the Beatenberg artist Paul Schmidt
- Francine Marie David and her creations
- Paul Schmidt and Francine Marie David
(Compilation by Heinz Rieder)
- Elke Kaross pepp medien, Chalet Gehri 3803 Beatenberg
- Die fantastische Welt der Elke Kaross
- Ein Rundgang durch eine Welt der verschiedenen Artikel
- Geschenke für jeden Anlass. Eine wahre Fundgrube!
- Ein ausgewähltes Sortiment an Büchern, Spielsachen,
Papeterie- und Büroartikeln.
- Mit Interview (Bildimpressionen von Heinz Rieder)
Elke Kaross pepp medien, Chalet Gehri, 3803 Beatenberg
- The fantastic world of Elke Kaross
- A tour through different articles
- Presents for any occasion. A real treasure trove!
- A selected assortment of books, toys, writing and office materials
- A tour through different articles
With interview (picture impressions by Heinz Rieder)
- Oberländisches Schwingfest in Beatenberg
Ein Rückblick: (keine Sportberichterstattung!)
Die tolle Ambiance dieses Anlasses
(Bildimpressionen von Heinz Rieder)
Berner Oberland wrestling festival in Beatenberg
- Looking back (no sport report!)
- The awesome ambiance of this occasion
- Presents for any occasion. A real treasure trove!
(Picture impressions by Heinz Rieder)
- Kunst- und Kulturlädeli Wydi, Beatenberg
- Doro Schwarz bietet regelmässig Kunstausstellungen
- Bereiche: Kunst, Kunsthandwerk und Fotografie
- Teilnehmende Kunstschaffende erhalten hier die Möglichkeit
ihre Werke auszustellen. (Bericht: Heinz Rieder)
Doro Schwarz offers regular art exhibitions
- Art, arts and crafts and photography
- Artists are given the opportunity to show their work
(Report by Heinz Rieder)
- Ein Tessiner Künstler in Beatenberg
- Leonardo Pecoraro: Kunstmaler, Mosaikkünstler und Graveur
- Seine Bilder (Formen / Farben welche die Wurzeln des Ich berühren)
- Seine Mosaike / einige seiner schönsten Werke
- Leonardo Pecoraro in Beatenberg (Bericht: Heinz Rieder)
A Ticinese artist in Beatenberg
- Leonardo Pecoraro: Painter, mosaic artist and engraver
- His pictures
- His mosaics / some of his most beautiful works
- Leonardo Pecoraro in Beatenberg (Report by Heinz Rieder)
- Aquarelle von Eveline Steiner, Beatenberg
Vernissage und Gemäldeausstellung
Schöne Landschafts- und Blumenbilder (Bericht: Bieri / Rieder)
Watercolours by Eveline Steiner, Beatenberg
- Vernissage and exhibition
- Beautiful landscape and flower pictures
(Report by Fritz Bieri and Heinz Rieder)
- Salome Marfurt Schneider - eine interessante Künstlerin
Keramik-Atelier / Art-Atelier (Bericht: Heinz Rieder)
Salome Marfurt Schneider - an interesting artist
- Ceramic studio / art studio
(Report by Heinz Rieder)
- Bilder aus dem Blumengarten der Natur
(Bilder: Fritz Bieri)
Picture out of the flower garden of nature
(Report by Fritz Bieri)
- Kohle, Kräuter und schwarze Nasen (Bericht von Markus Metzger)
Erlebnisexkursion: Der Weg zur Kohle
Coal, Herbs and black noses
- Excursion: To the old coal mine
(Report by Markus Metzger and Heinz Rieder)
- Alpleben "Chüejerläbä" auf Gemmenalp
mit Alpabzug und Käsespeicher (2 Bildberichte von Fritz Bieri)
Living on the alp Gemmenalp
- With leaving alp and cheese storehouse
(2 picture reports by Fritz Bieri)
- Chästeilet im Justistal
(Bildimpressionen von Fritz Bieri)
Sharing of the alp cheese in the Justistal valley
(Picture impression by Fritz Bieri)
- Im Biwaksack auf dem Burgfeldstand
(Bilder: Fritz Bieri)
Bivouac on the Burgfeldstand (Niederhorn)
(Picture by Fritz Bieri)
- Zu Besuch beim Beatenberger Mario Grossniklaus
News-Mann des Radio DRS
Bericht der Jungfrauzeitung (Redaktorin: Yvonne Zurbrügg)
Visiting Beatenberg´s Mario Grossniklaus
News reader of Radio DRS
(Report by the "Jungfrauzeitung" (Editor: Yvonne Zurbrügg)
- Frisuren-Show (ACERO, Beatenberg)
Bericht: Heinz Rieder
Hairstyle show (ACERO, Beatenberg)
(Picture by Heinz Rieder)
- Wie ein Hornschlitten entsteht
(Bildimpressionen von Fritz Bieri jun.)
Building an old fashioned wooden sleigh
(Picture impressions by Fritz Bieri jun.)
- Das Schattenkreuz an der Jungfrau
Ein Naturphänomen an der Nordwand der Jungfrau
(Matura-Arbeit von David Lips)
The shadow cross on the Jungfrau mountain
A nature phenomenon on the north face of the Jungfrau mountain
(written by David Lips)
- Umbauberichte der Beatenbergbahn
(Berichte von Fritz Bieri)
- Zusammenfassung mit 30 Fotos (Heinz Rieder)
- Eröffnungsfeier der neuen Bahn (Fritz Bieri)
Report about the alterations / construction
of the Beatenberg funicular (Reports by Fritz Bieri)
- Summery with 30 photos (Heinz Rieder)
- Opening ceremony of the new funicular (Fritz Bieri)
- Schrägstes Fussballfeld Europas auf dem Niederhorn
Text: Sonja Bauer, Berner Oberländer Zeitung
Fotos: Fritz Bieri und Urs Grossniklaus
Europe´s most slanting football field on the Niederhorn
Text by Sonja Bauer, Berner Oberländer newspaper
(Photographs by Fritz Bieri and Urs Grossniklaus)
- Militär mit Pferdeeinsatz auf der Alp Oberburgfeld
(Oberländerzug der Train Kol 9 in Beatenberg)
Auftrag des militärischen Wiederholungskurses:
Aufräumarbeiten, Steine auf den Weiden weggeräumt,
Holz fällen, Brennholz für die Alpschaft zubereiten,
Zaunpfähle herstellen, 3 km Zaun erstellen usw.
(Text und Bildimpressionen von Fritz Bieri)
Army with horses on the Oberburgfeld alp
(Train Kol 9 in Beatenberg)
The orders for the army refresher course:
- Clearing up, move stones out of pastures
- Chop trees down, prepare firewood for the people living on the alp
- Make fence posts, put up a 3 km long fence etc.
(Text and picture impressions by Fritz Bieri)
- Pflege der Beatenberger Wanderwege
während mehr als 23 Jahren
Christian (Chrigel) Oehrli: "seine" Wanderwege - sein Hobby
Maintenance of hiking trails / his hobby
(Report by Verena Moser and Heinz Rieder)
2. Inspirierende Gedanken: (Kurztexte)
- Kleine Impulse zum Leben im Alltag
- Vier Kerzen (Eine kleine Adventsgeschichte)
2. Inspiring thoughts (short texts - German only)
- Thoughts about everyday life
- Four candles (a short advent story)
The reports are in German only, but do contain many photographs
» History
Pictures tell us about the past (old postcards and leaflets)
- Colour pictures from the Belle Epoque (by Kurt Schmocker)
- History of the Reformed Church Beatenberg and information about today´s Church organ (1950)
- Photos from the village (with old school photos), / hotels, brochures
- Train, horse drawn carriages of the hotels, chair lift, Lake of Thun trams
- Old photos (enjoying winter)
- From the horse drawn carriage to the first bus
- Memories of the Beatenberg artist Paul Schmidt
- Reminisce: train station, hotels, village
- Horse-drawn coaches / railway
» Trains / Bus
1. Cable railway / funicular: Lake of Thun (Beatenbucht) - Beatenberg
» Construction (new 2005 - in German only):
- Construction (Reports by Fritz Bieri - in German only)
- Summery with 38 photos (Heinz Rieder / in German only)
- Opening ceremony (Fritz Bieri / in German only)
2. Niederhorn: Journey time from Lake Thun about 30 minutes
3. The new aerial cable way Beatenberg - Niederhorn
4. Bus ( 1. Interlaken - Beatenberg 2. History Four Generations )
» Niederhorn (Summer / Winter)
The popular mountain near Beatenberg
Can be reached directly from the Lake of Thun
(Boat 550 m over sea level "funicular" cable car Niederhorn 1950 m)
Journey time from Beatenbucht: about 30 minutes
- Summertime
- Landscape pictures (with link to "Hiking")
- Alpine flowers in the Niederhorn area
- Berghaus: Restaurant, hotel, dormitory (with panorama picture,
Berghaus with restaurant and cablecar station)
- "Trottibiken" from "Zwischenstation" (middle station)
- Wintertime
- Niederhorn (landscape pictures)
- Niederhorn (toboggan: Niederhorn-Chüehmatte-Waldegg)
- Niederhorn (toboggan by moonlight: Niederhorn-Vorsass)
» Lake of Thun
Lake Thun (One of the most beautiful Swiss lakes)
The Lake of Thun lies at the feet of Beatenberg and Niederhorn
- Spring - Summer - Autumn
- Sunset - Nighttime pictures
- In the Winter
» More about us
How this website came into life ...
By Fritz Bieri / by Heinz Rieder
- About us: hobbies / professional life ...
- Webmaster / this is where our webpages are created
- Our guestbook
- More information about us ...
- Being honoured by the town council of Beatenberg
Access with password only:
- Photo album Fritz Bieri (for family and friends)
- Photo album Heinz Rieder with Photo album Caroline Tarro (for family and friends)
Summer 2006 until January 2008
About us
Fritz Bieri amateur photographer Technical director of the Thunersee- Beatenberg- Niederhorn funicular railway |
Heinz Rieder amateur photographer and webmaster beatenbergbilder.ch
• In most cases we are translating ideas - shared by the two of us - into our web pages
• We are putting together unique picture collections • Our pictures and themes are complimenting each other • "Picture impression" of Beatenberg and its surrounding areas are the foundation of our website
www.beatenbergbilder.ch in English
Barbara Stephenson-Berger
Language translation step-by-step
Concept and pictures by Fritz Bieri and Heinz Rieder
http://www.beatenbergbilder.ch copyright © www.beatenbergbilder.com Website and image editing: Heinz Rieder
Language translation: Barbara Stephenson-Berger Organization: Michael Künzi, Tourist-Center Beatenberg